I can across This blog of Renee Brown who is promoting her new book. She is having a protest to perfection all week. What a great idea. I am just learning how important it is to forgive myself. This book is coming into my world at a good time I believe. http://www.ordinarycourage.com/my-blog/2010/9/26/the-perfect-protest.html
I will never be perfect - but I am pretty damn good
I will never be wealthy - but I grateful that I am currently employed making a good buck
I am becoming less and less social
I will never be stick thin, but I am learning to enjoy being healthy by eating right and working out. I do this for me !!!
I will never be the perfect mother, sister, friend, aunt, manager, employee but I will strive not to be the worst.
I will never be on the cover of a magazine but there must be people that see beauty in me sometimes.
I am learning to live in the moment because that's where my energy should be. Can't change the past and can't predict the future.
My thought, my choice, my power.
I think meditating will actually improve my life and I need to embrace this ASAP.
I need a relationship with God
I am going to believe in me, forgive me, respect me and most importantly LOVE ME.