One of my favorite things to do on the weekends is to treasure hunt at estate sales. I never know what I am going to find. Sometimes it seems sad that people's entire belongings are sold to strangers - Where is the family, what happened to the owners, what is the history behind the stuff I buy.

So the first one I went to I got a vintage scrabble game - I pick them up all the time, I know have 4 or 5 of them. Some small wooden plaques that I will upcycle to create something fun with, 5 felt stuffed shapes - just thought they were kinda cool, a brand new pack of white tissue paper (always comes in handy), a big baggy full of costume jewlery (some junk, but some cool stuff I can re-use), a few wooden shapes I can craft into something and this real cool vintage photgraph album full of pictures for the 1920's and 1930's. This is one of those things I wonder why a family member didn't want. Maybe she had no family, so I gave I a home. All those goodies for 10.00

The second one I went to had a houseful of stuff. But I managed to find two pillow cases(not in the picture) that have some really cool pink edging on the end, one of my favorite finds is the vintage bird cage, two metal angel ornaments, a metal bird ornament, a metal snowflake, a vintage Fannie Mae valentines day tin. I have had another one of these for a few years and saw this one and thought it needed a buddy. It had some small heart fabric shapes inseide - bonus !! Got all those goodies for 7.00. So all in all a good treasure day. I posted a few more things in my Etsy shop and I noticed I got added to my first Treasury - So cool.