Tuesday, November 16, 2010

December Daily 2010

This is the second year I have done the December daily with Ali Edwards http://aliedwards.com/2010/11/december-daily-2010-qa.html
My album is 6 x 6" in size. This year I decided to do all of the days of December including a day for January 1st, 2011 to capture my thoughts for the new year. I think next year I will also do one for November - for tracking all that I am thankful for or keep an annual gratitude journal.


nmackin said...

I love this color combination! Beautiful!!!

Sarah said...

Love how tight your color scheme is! Days 2 and 10 really stand out for me as favorites.

Anne said...

What a nice looking album! I especially like how you did the numbers - I find that the hardest part of designing one of these books.

Christina Tryon said...

I love EVERYTHING about your album! Especially the stamps and die cuts! Go Bears!!

Jen said...

Love the concept! And the number tags around - how original!! Love it! Are you gonna post the finished product?

karine said...

your album is great with these colours and i really love the day numbers all around the pages

E said...

I just love the blue and browns together... your album is fab

Rosie said...

Your tabs are awesome, such a creative way to do the date!

Radish said...

How nice to have yours all together to start. Happy T hanksgiving

Debbie P said...

Your DD album is so unique and so cute! tfs