Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blog Hopping

Off day for work outs, but my food choices were odd. Breakfast (bacon and eggs), lunch - attempted a salad while on a conference call, did not eat it all and a banana, dinner - 3 white castle cheeseburgers and a cupcake form wolf s bakery. Not the best huh !!! but I am not going to beat myself up, cause it could have been a lot worse :)

While I was bouncing between blogs, I found this and wanted to play along.

1. Where is your cell phone? in my work bag on the love seat
2. Where is your significant other? don't have one
3. Your hair? tired, but soft
4. Your mother? deceased
5. Your father? deceased
6. Your favorite thing? tough one - ice tea
7. Your dream last night? don't remember
8. Your dream/goal? to be loved unconditionally
9. The room you're in? craft room
10. Your hobby? making fun stuff
11. Your fear? growing old alone
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? new job, new state, new home
13. Where were you last night? working out
14. What you're not? financially organized
16. One of your wish list items? to be debt free
17. Where you grew up? Chicago area
18. The last thing you did? Let my dogs out
19. What are you wearing? Linen skirt and shirt - socks , no shoes
20. Your TV? on in the living room
21. Your pet? two dogs
22. Your computer? desktop
24. Your mood? even
25. Missing someone? Brain Matthew
26. Your car? Clean outside - lots of dog hair inside - jeep Cherokee
27. Something you're not wearing? a coat
28. Favorite store? Any antique store
29. Your summer? OK
30. Love someone? of course
31. Your favorite color? orange
32. When is the last time you laughed? before an 8:30 meeting this morning
33. Last time you cried? February

Monday, August 18, 2008

The vet

So Klaus is having some medical issues, I had to call in for work so I can take him to the Vet. My normal vet is not in today, so I have to take him to another place. The apt. is at 2:15 -I hope it just takes some pills to make him better. Jason decides to take off from work today also, so instead of my planned morning, I shift and go out to breakfast with a friend. Yesterday I listed my first scrapbook pages on Etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5179254 - It will be fun to see if something of that nature sells. I have sold three things so far - there is so much cool stuff out there in Etsy land.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Happened to come across another blog and there was a link for youtube - Australia Project Runway. How fun !!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7d5oerSEJg&feature=related It has delayed me getting to the health club. I need to step away from the computer !!!!!! OK, OK - I am leaving ..... # things I am grateful for - A cool breeze from an open window, green apples and good news

Monday, August 11, 2008

First One

OK - this is my first post - yipppeeeee. I wanted to start this at the first of the year, but never got around to it. I am starting to work out again. Yesterday I did 40 minutes on the treadmill (even ran for a few alternate minutes !!) and 20 minutes on the Precor. So for a total of 1 HOUR of cardio. I have never done that !!! feels good. I need to get a new pair of running shoes. This blog will help me stay motivated. Let the new chapter of life begin !!!!!!